It’s early in the kayaking season at Coastal Kayak, but with the weather finally getting comfortable, it’s time for tours. Guides, like me, are getting their sea legs back. Wildlife is primping and prepping for this year’s round of visitors.
On a warm, sunny tour Little Assawoman Back Bay Tour today (4/21), four women from New England and I saw more than our share of wildlife doing its Spring thing. Bald eagles were stretching their wings; osprey were fishing; great blue herons, little green herons and great white egrets were standing like sentinels in the salt marsh; terns were being their normally raucous selves … and Canada geese were sitting on their nests awaiting the arrival of five or six goslings. Maybe the next time I go out, the fluffy babies will be there.
If this is a precursor to this season, I can’t wait for it to get into full swing.
— Cap’n Bob