Like everyone else these days we are trying to break our addiction to plastic. We now use 100% recycled paper bags for our merchandise instead of plastic bags. We only sell sodas in cans. We provide filtered water to refill your water bottles. But our biggest dilemma in the battle against plastic has always been single-use bottled water. On hot summer days people need to drink water. Staying hydrated is extremely important. We have to have bottled water available.
Finally, we found a great alternative! Bottled water in resealable, aluminum cans!! The company is called Green Sheep Water.
Why is aluminum so much better than plastic? Aluminum is completely and infinitely recyclable. Aluminum is recycled worldwide – in many places it is actually incentivized. And it has a much higher rate of being recycled than plastic – 45% for aluminum versus 9.5% for plastic.
Of course they are a little more expensive than plastic bottled water (we charge $2 for a 16 ounce bottle). But if we were to consider the cost of cleaning up all the plastic choking our landfills and poisoning our marine life, I’m guessing plastic would be the most expensive option out there.
So the next time you come to Coastal Kayak to paddle, you can buy some Green Sheep bottled water, crack it open to enjoy the ice cold water from the aluminum can, and not suffer a major guilt trip doing it!