The week started off with an exciting dolphin sighting on our Burton’s Island Wildlife Tour! In our 19 years of doing tours in that area we have never seen dolphins there before but Todd spotted them just before landing on the sandbar and decided to follow them for a few hundred yards.
On Stefan’s Burton’s Island Tour a flock of brown pelicans were performing tactical maneuvers over the group of paddlers and he reported that hermit crabs had invaded the sand bar.
On Mitch’s Woodland Tour the paddlers saw eagles, got a close-up look at a painted turtle, and were treated to a colorful show of flowering plants in the creek. Due to the amount of rain we’ve had this year, the water level is higher than normal and the aquatic plants and flowers are flourishing. They saw pickerel weed in full bloom, river magnolia, swamp mallow, and a beautiful example of flowering jewelweed – to name a few.
…And then the rains came…

This fun, adventurous family from Pennsylvania wasn’t going to let a little rain ruin their last day at the beach!