As far as summer jobs go, I have the best. My name is Mary and Coastal Kayak is one of my happy places. It is an adventure on the water that I want to share with others. Right now my 10th summer at Coastal Kayak is in full swing and I have come to recognize that my greatest pleasure is to encourage older and younger alike first timers to experience the thrill of accomplishing something new.
There is something special about kayaking and paddle boarding for the first time. The peacefulness of the open water and viewing land from that prospective opens up the door to imagination. Wildlife and their sounds with cool breezes and a new found control over your destination equates to pure pleasure.
I’m so elated when first time kayakers and paddler boarders come back in and tell of their awesome time on the water. My goal is to get the word out to all those who have thought about trying and just need a little support. Grab all of your family and friends and come to Coastal Kayak for some instruction in fun. Let’s spread the joy of accomplishing something new……..paddle happy! Mary Eash

Mary moved to the beach 10 years ago from Sterling, VA. In her previous life she owned a bakery and was a mortgage broker but had always dreamed of being a lifeguard at the beach. In her Coastal Kayak career she’s been an assistant guide and a lead guide and now enthusiastically welcomes customers, answers questions, helps participants complete their paperwork, and makes everyone feel at ease before going out on the water. She’s raised three kids and is now a “Gla-Ma” to a beautiful one-year old boy.