At Coastal Kayak we know our world’s future will soon be in the hands of today’s kids. And with the issues we are facing today, those kids need a strong education – no matter where they live or how much money they have. Good teachers are the key. We all have stories of pivotal teachers who changed our lives, and, unfortunately, most of us have memories of teachers who we all knew were simply serving their time until they could retire.
We want pivotal teachers!!
Good teachers are asked to do so much with so little. And they rarely get the recognition that so many other service professions do. Yet they are tasked with protecting and preparing the most valuable asset our world has – our children.
So let’s show them some love! At Coastal Kayak during the 2019 season, kindergarten through high school teachers who show their school ID will receive 20% off any on-site kayak or paddleboard rental. (Offer good for teachers only.)
This summer we want our teachers to relax and recharge so they’ll be ready to recommit to the important work they do the rest of the year.