I know that it is almost Spring (according to the calendar anyway!) so maybe we’ll call these posts “What we do in the off-season”.
It is an understatement to say that this winter has been a rough one! So our employees that have ‘real jobs’ and stay at the beach in the winter have had to be creative in their entertainment these last few months. Tim Bennett has worked for Coastal Kayak since 2005. His “real job” is as a Wildlife Conservation Officer for Delaware Fish and Wildlife. So he is outdoors all year long. His favorite part of his job with Fish and Wildlife is being able to watch the wildlife, especially owls, as they nest, have babies, and grow through out the seasons.

Tim’s attempt at trying to make everyone believe he is an angel (in the snow ON Little Assawoman Bay!) but we all know the truth!
The cold weather has not kept him indoors, even in his spare time. He got out in his kayak before things froze over, but even when many of the waterways were frozen, he broke the ice to get out in his favorite kayaking spots. Although the cold doesn’t keep him in, he is more than ready for some nice hot summer temps!