A Straw for a Sailing Lesson?

We’ve all seen the photos—in the middle of pristine, blue oceans a Delaware-sized island of floating garbage, sea turtles munching on plastic bags, dead marine mammals with stomachs full of plastic. It breaks your heart. We all use plastics—it’s almost impossible not to. So we are all guilty of the crime. But we CAN do better!

Like everything that’s worthwhile, it is not easy to give up plastics. You have to haul your reusable grocery and produce bags to the supermarket and then deal with the stink-eye from the bagger. Or, even though you’re already late you have to dig around your cabinet for your reusable water bottle, never finding the correct lid. Then you run out during the day so you have to refill it from the faucet with chlorine-flavored water. And the worst—your server hands you your drink, holding your glass by the rim, and you’re supposed to refuse the straw??

Plastics are so darn convenient. But they are truly killing us.

plasticTo get really depressed click here for a toolkit put together by the Earth Day Network that gives all the dirty facts on our plastic addiction. (Along with links to inspirational videos and tips to reduce consumption.)

To get un-depressed, we’re going to reward you for kicking your plastic addiction. All you have to do is post a photo or video on Instagram and/or Facebook to get entered in a drawing to win a free sailing lesson for two! ($75 value!)


The photo or video needs to show how you are using less plastic. It could be a picture of your groceries in reusable bags, refilling a reusable bottle, choosing an aluminum can over a plastic bottle, an email you sent to your favorite restaurant asking them to start using sustainable carry-out containers, a photo of your new stainless steel straw… Because of the endless plastic products, there are endless opportunities to replace it!

To get entered on Instagram you’ll need to post using the following hashtags: #StrawsForSailing, #EndPlasticPollution, and #CoastalKayak.

And on Facebook, you’ll need to post it to our Facebook page, using the above hashtags.

Deadline for entries is Memorial Day 2018 (May 28th) and we’ll announce the winner on June 2, 2018.

Did I hear you ask why you’d want to learn how to sail?? Just watch!

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