Growing Degree Days 36.4; ocean temperature, 43 degrees; forsythias, just started blooming; those are plain COLD facts. Worse, Carly got a SUP for Christmas and has not had it in the water, until today!
Despite being pretty stiff, Carly and I headed out onto the Assawoman Canal by Jefferson Bridge Road. This is a good spot early in the year, sheltered and relatively warm. Certainly it’s a good spot to get the cobb-webs off.
We headed south, with the current and took a cut into Jefferson Creek. From there, it winds a little, broadens a lot, and if you’re careful about some shallows (the water is clear now, so on a SUP you can really see bottom well), you come into the heart of what I call Jefferson Bay. We had the wind behind us here, and with a little surfing, we crossed to the southwest side, and into a another little cut. We rode the wind up the narrow channel into the pond, where Carly practiced a little on-board yoga, I tried a little myself.
It was nice and sheltered, perfect for an early season paddle. Getting out of the pond, though, we had to fight a little wind on our knees to get back to the bay, and then back to the canal. We had some work heading upstream, back north toward the put-in. I tried a to pull a fancy move to climb into an overhanging tree, but fortunately Carly couldn’t get her camera out quick enough and I avoided an embarrasing photo-op.
It was a nice paddle, especially for a cool spring day when you just have to get your paddle wet.